10 Responses to Frederick E. Mende
  1. Comment *Sending our Deepest Sympathy!

  2. My deepest sympathy to you Wilma. I was unaware of Fred being ill..My thoughts and prayers are with you from your long time
    friend, ‘Rudy’.

  3. So very sorry to learn about Fred. Much sympathy to you and I will be praying for you.

  4. Comment *Thinking of you Wilma. I am so sorry for your loss!

  5. Comment Thoughts and Prayers to you Wilma . Love you – Sandy and Mark Danekas

  6. Sympathy to Wilma, Greg, Neighbors, & Friends of Fred. Rest in PEACE, Fred.

  7. Comment *My thoughts and prayers go out to Wilma. May God give you comfort and strength.

  8. My Friend, I am so sorry for your loss, but now there is no more pain for Fred. May God be with you to console and comfort you.

  9. Comment *Thoughts and prayers to you Willma from David Steel and family

  10. Comment *Our deepest sympathy to Wilma. Thoughts and Prayers from Tony and Dicka Nye


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